Facilities Management Sustainability: A Long-Lasting System
The Facilities Management (FM) industry is under a lot of pressure from both groups to fall in line with expectations. New legislation has forced change, whilst a shift in customer expectations has led to a necessity for change to ensure business growth, prosperity and affluence.

Sustainability… a key word in a new era of environmentally friendly and sustainable business practice expectations.
In a world of mounting environmental concerns, the pressure is on for businesses of all sizes to re-evaluate current business practices and implement sometimes, significant changes, to keep their business in line with the formal expectations of the legislators and ethical expectations of customers alike.
The Facilities Management (FM) industry is under a lot of pressure from both groups to fall in line with expectations. New legislation has forced change, whilst a shift in customer expectations has led to a necessity for change to ensure business growth, prosperity and affluence.
The current financial climate in the UK only serves to make any changes more laborious from a cost perspective and arduous to get past the prying eyes of the finance department.
Even Facility Management software has evolved from being a simple system for registering buildings and asset data, to a system that aims to increase efficiency in the planning and execution of facility processes.
Once implemented, the software of the 21st century can be so much more than simply accessible to members of the ‘team’ whilst sat in the office, at a desk. With remote working becoming the new norm, managing ‘people’ has evolved into a new model as well, with the consequential opportunity to reduce running costs presenting itself; with less staff in the office there is less need for office space and equipment. These savings can then be diverted to future proofing the sustainability of the business without any additional large expenditure = a happy finance department.
Granted, some tasks are easier to manage remotely than others, but whilst specialist knowledge is a prerequisite in some instances, the more laborious and voluminous tasks, such as handling inbound telephone calls, can often be handled by someone with very little specific product or service knowledge. This then begs the question, “do we need anyone in the office to handle calls at all, ever”?
At Bourne Global we help answer this question and go one step further to future proofing. Our core proposition is alleviating the burden of managing tasks that can be handled remotely. In particular, handling calls of any type; whether they are inbound, outbound, customer service led or HR, and use your FM software remotely to divert calls to relevant recipients or departments, either way, your customer expectations are met. We can even complete telephone marketing functions thus actually helping your business to grow at the same time as helping reduce costs.
Our team of FM professionals are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to handle telephone correspondence on behalf of your business, helping to remove the necessity to manage call flows and customer expectations and leaving you with more time to get sustainable.
Find out more about how we can help, contact Bourne Global today for a friendly chat.